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2014 Google forecast 10 + 1 events impact to market


Chrome Pad will become an important in US

Google在2013年交出了亮眼的成績。截至2013年12月中旬,該公司股價上漲了約55%。相形之下,蘋果公司在同期間的股價僅增加4% 。

Google預計將在今年囊括一半以上的行動廣告收入,同時在目前行動裝置上最賺錢的 YouTube 頻道推波助瀾下,Google的市佔率也將持續成長,展現佳績。

從出貨量來看, Android 還為Google鞏固了在智慧型手機平台的主導位置。根據IDC的統計, Android 手機在今年第三季已佔有全球智慧型手機出貨量的81%。

Chrome OS 也在低成本筆記型電腦市場找到了自己的立足點。而 Google+ 在「強迫」使用的策略下也已擁有超過50萬的用戶了。

再加上Google公司產品總監兼執行長Larry Page致力於把更多資源與時間聚焦於業務重心的策略下,Google看來應該會有一個更美好的2014年。


1. Google將推Chromepad

從Google Chromebook Pixel 筆電已經看出 Chrome 作業系統可支援觸控功能。Google並已為其搭載Chrome OS的平板電腦提出了一些設計理念。至少Google的一位工程師已經公開地討論可能性。

2. Google將推Nexus智慧手錶

如果不是打算進軍智慧手錶市場,Google就不會悄悄地收購智慧手錶製造商Wimm Labs了。預計Google即將推出的智慧手錶將與Google的室內定位技術連結,協助商家找到配戴用戶並傳送Google服務。在付費廣告的支持 下,這款智慧手錶很可能會以較低價格或免費提供給用戶,用於交換定位資料。

3. Google Glass將成為眼鏡配件

從Google Glass最近的開發進展可以看出,這款硬體產品最終將能夾在一般的眼鏡鏡框上。這比起原本將內建視訊錄影機、處理器、感測器與螢幕等各種工作硬體安裝在 無法摺疊的固定框架上更更有意義。為此Google Glass可能就不必再採用玻璃元件了。甚至可能最後採用「Google Eye」的名稱來形容可實現視訊擷取與顯示的新款產品更適合,且能有別於採用玻璃鏡片的頭戴式智慧眼鏡。

4. Google將投資汽車技術

Google積極投入機器人開發業務,從而也將擴展對於汽車系統的硬體關注力度,特別是該公司目前在自動駕駛車方面的業務正準備邁向部署之際。 Google將會與汽車製造商合作,為其提供更優質的技術,從而交換用戶資料的存取權限。Google在機器人開發方面的興趣更傾向於製造領域,而非消費 市場。

5. Google拓展零售業市場
Google pop up store start to promote Google product

Google於2013年年底假期銷售旺季在全美6個城市設置了Winter Wonderland pop-up實體零售店,以促進新產品的銷售,預計2014年開春將會有更多的產品展示與銷售據點。Google將謹慎地從這些商店中收集可用的資料。

6. Google提供無人駕駛車試乘

為了讓人們接受自動駕駛汽車,Google將公開展示其新的機器人司機。Google還將與Disney、環球影城或一些知名飯店合作,以自動駕駛車戴客 人在管制車道上體驗簡短的旅程。其目標在於使自動駕駛車可在一些特定的路線上行駛而舖路,例如從拉斯維加斯的飯店到接斯維加斯機場的接送等。

7. Google持續精簡摩托羅拉動公司

摩托羅拉行動公司(Motorola Mobility)的財務問題可能會讓Google深感到頭痛,但它畢竟還存在一些可發揮作用的稅務虧損以及具有實際的策略潛力。

8. Oracle 將贏得 Java 版權,Google再提上訴

William Alsup法官對於可編程API不受版權保護的決定是正確的。但法院是由法律人才組成的,而非技術人才導向。因此,上級法院的法官很可能誤解 API版權保護的意義,而Google將不得不再提上訴到最高法院。
Chromepad Transform?

9. Google將與歐盟就反托拉斯裁決達成協議

雖然Google的競爭對手都不會滿意這樣的結果,但該公司將與歐盟委員會達成協議。Google將拒絕接受限制其存取其他廣告平台的協議,這將使其在與 第三方競爭時限制自有財產增加的能力。但它並不會放棄定義關聯性或推動其業務的權利。終究,Google不必改變太多,但無論何將逐漸進行以保持與行動市 場創新同步。

10. Chrome 重要性將超越Android

Android 可用於抗衡蘋果與微軟的競爭,同時也是 BlackBerry 與Nokia的最大心結。它確保了Google及其服務易於存取且獲得廣泛應用。但 Android 仍存在一些問題。它比 Chrome 瀏覽器的安全性低,所採用的 Java 目前由 Oracle 所掌握,同時它的版權費用也較昂貴。Google的合作夥伴也未能大力推廣,他們似乎不太關心是否可確保用戶使用最新版本。它有可能會被推翻,如同 Amazon 所展現的以及 Nokia 可能採取的行動一樣。

在開發Android時,Google的工程師們當時認為 Java 是唯一適用於行動設備的重要開發平台。如今,Mozilla 的 Firefox OS 已可證明 Java 並非必要,而且還有 Google Portable Native Client 以及 Mozilla asm.js,同時也在 Node.js 看到 PayPal 從 Java 切換到 JavaScript。Web技術終於準備履行 Google 在2009年聲稱Web將取得勝利的目標了。隨著針對 Android的Chrome app 以及 Linux、OS X與Windows用的 Chrome Web app 出現,Android已經不再那麼必要了。甚至接下來還將推出行動版 Chrome Web apps,表示2014年即將出現Chrome OS 手機,或意味著展開整修 Android 的多年計劃,另一方面在 Chrome 開發進度持續加速下,其重要性終將超越 Android。

Google chip inside will happen?

根據外電報導,google正考慮使用 ARM公司技術來設計自己的伺服器晶片,這可能會威脅到intel在市場上的統治地位。 受此消息影響,英特爾週四盤後下跌3.1%。

據報導指出, google有意設計自家伺服器所使用的晶片,以便優化軟硬體間的互動,不過google尚未作最後決定。Google在全球範圍內設計建造自己的資料中 心,近期還決定擴大在彰化資料中心的投資。這些資料中心服務于 google 的搜索、youtube、線上通訊等應用。

如果google涉足晶片設計,那麼它將導致英特爾的營收下降。google是英特爾前五名內的大客戶,英特爾4.3%的營收來自google。至於外傳 google青睞ARM設計的晶片,主要應用於移動手機與平板電腦。ARM、高通與三星電子等公司成功阻止了英特爾向移動領域的擴張,但英特爾仍牢牢把握 著PC伺服器市場95%的市場佔有率。


Google Said to Mull Designing Chips in Threat to Intel

Google Inc. (GOOG) is considering designing its own server processors using technology from ARM Holdings Plc (ARM), said a person with knowledge of the matter, a move that could threaten Intel Corp. (INTC)’s market dominance.

By using its own designs, Google could better manage the interactions between hardware and software, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the matter is private. Google, among the largest buyers of server processors, has made no decision and plans could change, said the person.

Intel Data-center chip market will be invaded by ARM?
“We are actively engaged in designing the world’s best infrastructure,” said Liz Markman, a spokeswoman for Google. “This includes both hardware design (at all levels) and software design.” Markman declined to say whether the company may develop its own chips.

Google has been designing its own data centers around the world with servers to power search, video, online communications and other features. Moving into chip design could take away revenue from Intel, which has counted on Internet companies to help drive processor sales. Google is Intel’s fifth largest customer, accounting for about 4.3 percent of its revenue, according to Bloomberg supply chain analysis.

ARM-based chips dominate in mobile phones and tablets where companies such as Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) and Samsung Electronics Co. (005930) have fended off Intel’s attempts to expand. Intel controls more than 95 percent of the market for chips for servers that use personal-computer processors, with Advanced Micro Devices Inc. making up the rest. AMD and other companies have announced plans to use ARM-based designs for the server-chip market.

GOOGLE Introduces Brain Chip
ARM will bring more lower cost and the same performance as Intel?

On Wednesday, the search giant, Google, introduced the Google Brain Chip.  This is a chip that users can implant in their brain that will search the internet the moment you think of something.  The chip has the power to find information even before a user knows he or she wants the information.

“It’s psychic,” said Stig Hansson, a senior hardware engineer at Google.

With the new chip, as soon as a user thinks about something the chip will immediately search the web and return a result.  For example, if you wanted to find a sushi restaurant in Chicago, you would immediately be given ten selections without ever touching a computer.  “Your friends will think you are a genius, and you are… with Google’s help,” said Hansson.
Google brain Chip will change the human future

The introduction of the Google Brain Chip means that individuals will no longer need PCs, Macs or tablets. “These devices are primarily used to access the internet and download content,” said Google CEO Eric Schmidt. “With the Google Brain Chip, you don’t need to buy any hardware at all. The human brain is the hardware, we provide the chip and you are… a genius.”

Google plans on offering free download dumps with the purchase of the Google Brain Chip.  “You’ll be able to download every history book ever written.  We’ll put it on the chip and you will instantly be smarter than every history professor in the country.”  If you want to know everything about science, English literature or art, you’ll be able to download all the available data onto your Google Brain Chip.

Some fear that the Google Brain Chip will eliminate the need for the educational system.  “Why would you need to go to school and stress your brain by trying to memorize data, when you can just download it all in five minutes?  The It is true that the Google Brain Chip makes most primary, secondary, college and graduate schools obsolete.  “You can download everything there is to know about internal medicine in the morning and be seeing patients in the afternoon,” said Schmidt.  “This truly frees man from the limiting constraints of his human brain.”

To have the chip implanted in your brain, you just have to make an appointment with your local doctor or computer technician.  They will use a pneumatic gun to shoot the chip into your brain just behind your ear.  It only takes about a five seconds.

Some skeptics are worried that Google will take advantage of this chip technology and use it to control people’s minds.  Schmidt dismissed these fears and said “we’ve been controlling people’s minds for the last seven years.  It’s only a matter of time before we have a chip in every brain.”


